Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2019/01/11

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1 {{include reference="ActiveInstalls.QueryVariables"/}}
2 {{velocity}}
3 ##=========================
4 ## New way for XWiki 6.1M1+
5 ##=========================
6 #set ($query = "
7 {
8 ""query"": {
9 ""query_string"": {
10 ""lowercase_expanded_terms"": false,
11 ""query"": ""_timestamp:[now-365d TO *] $snapshotQueryFragment AND distributionId:${distributionId.replace(':', '\\:')}""
12 }
13 },
14 ""aggs"": {
15 ""instanceId_count"": {
16 ""cardinality"": {
17 ""field"": ""instanceId""
18 }
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 ")
23 #set ($result = $services.activeinstalls.searchInstalls("install2", $query, {"search_type": "count"}))
24 ## If there's an error and the "xpage=plain" URL parameter is not passed (ie it's not called by the Counter widget) then display the error if any. Otherwise display the invalid numeric result.
25 #if (!$result)
26 #set ($errorText = $!services.activeinstalls.lastError)
27 #if ("$!request.xpage" != 'plain')
28 {{error}}{{{$errorText}}}{{/error}}
29 #else
30 0
31 #end
32 #else
33 $result.getAsJsonObject("aggregations").getAsJsonObject("instanceId_count").getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsLong()
34 #end
35 {{/velocity}}

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